Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama is the Fall of the New Rome

And Barack Obama makes history.

All hail the first non-Caucasian president. Highly unlikely in a country where just decades earlier, Los Angeles police officers beat up an African-American truck driver. Where less than a century earlier, lynch mobs still practiced the art of stringing African-Americans from tree branches. Where a little over a hundred years earlier, there were only Africans, not African-Americans.

Since the founding of the American republic, only Caucasians have sat in the Oval Office. Barack Obama's presidential victory is a clear sign that change has come to the land of the free. And this is not just a minor change, like the change from the Deutschmark to the Euro, or from a parliamentary to a republican form of government. This is a change in the mentality of an entire nation. And all changes can be either good or bad.

I am not saying that Obama's victory is a bad thing. I am just saying that like the Roman Empire before them, the reign of the United States of America must soon come to an end. And the fall of the mighty empire will be heralded by major changes. And their new president is just the first of many more major changes to come.

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